Communicating vaccination requirements: add a checkbox to your booking widget the guest must select
This guide does not apply to the Standard plan. For alternative ideas please read this guide.
Step 1: Add the [option] tag to your terms and conditions
For details on this please follow this guide. If you have multiple terms and conditions you may need to add the [option] tag to each condition.
Step 2: Create the checkbox
- Select Account on the far right of the main menu
- Select Booking Settings from the Account dropdown menu
- Select Options from the Booking Settings submenu
- Locate the New Option section shown below
- In the Label field, paste the following text: I agree to the vaccination requirements
- In the Description field, paste the following text (replacing "message" with your own message): [[compulsory group="10" msg="Please agree to the vaccination requirements to continue"]] message
- Leave the Price dropdown menu as is
- Leave the Credit card details dropdown menu as is
- Select save
- Locate the option you just added and select the yellow notepad icon
- Select Checkbox from the dropdown menu
- Select the green save button
- Review your booking widget to ensure the checkbox is displaying correctly
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