Communicating vaccination requirements: add a checkbox to your booking widget the guest must select

This guide does not apply to the Standard plan. For alternative ideas please read this guide.

Step 1: Add the [option] tag to your terms and conditions

For details on this please follow this guide. If you have multiple terms and conditions you may need to add the [option] tag to each condition.

Step 2: Create the checkbox

  1. Select Account on the far right of the main menu
  2. Select Booking Settings from the Account dropdown menu
  3. Select Options from the Booking Settings submenu
  4. Locate the New Option section shown below
  5. In the Label field, paste the following text: I agree to the vaccination requirements
  6. In the Description field, paste the following text (replacing "message" with your own message): [[compulsory group="10" msg="Please agree to the vaccination requirements to continue"]] message
  7. Leave the Price dropdown menu as is
  8. Leave the Credit card details dropdown menu as is
  9. Select save
  10. Locate the option you just added and select the yellow notepad icon

  11. Select Checkbox from the dropdown menu

  12. Select the green save button
  13. Review your booking widget to ensure the checkbox is displaying correctly

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