How to add a specific date(s) in opening hours

  1. Select Account on the far right of the main menu
  2. Select Booking Settings from the Account dropdown menu
  3. Select Opening Hours from the Booking Settings submenu
  4. Locate the Add Opening Hours section shown below

  5. Enter a label for the Opening Hours. See the guide on What are opening hour labels?
  6. Select an area for the Opening Hours. See the guide on What is the Default area in Opening Hours?
  7. In the Day / Date dropdown menu select Specific Date to show drop down options to enter one date, or select Date Range to show drop down options to enter start and end dates 

    Note: Specific Date and Date Range opening hours override recurring weekday opening hours. Please see the guide on How does Day / Date work?
  8. Select the date(s) using the dropdown menus or by selecting the calendar icon

  9. Select an Opening Time and a Closing Time for bookings in the dropdown menus. See the guide on What is Opening Time and Closing Time in Opening Hours?
  10. Select the Public checkbox to make the times bookable online. See the guide on What are public Opening Hours?
  11. Select the Add button