How do I send a table list to Obee

  1. Download our Table List Excel template here: Table-List.xlsx
  2. In the Excel document, list all tables, including the minimum and maximum number of guests each table can seat. If your venue has multiple areas, please also list which area each table is located in.
  3. Switch to the Table Joins worksheet, by clicking on the Table Joins tab. This will be located in the bottom left of the window (it will look similar to the image below)
  4. On the Table Joins worksheet, list any table joins, including the minimum and maximum number of guests each table join can seat. Please name table joins by using commas (e.g. joining tables 1 and 7 will result in a table join called 1,7). If your venue has multiple areas, please also list which area each table join is located in.
  5. Email the completed Excel document to We'll take it from there!

You can add Tables to your Obee account at any time, see - How to add tables