How to design your Plus PDF voucher

Using Obee’s voucher widget on your venue’s website, customers can purchase vouchers online, and instantly receive a branded PDF voucher in their inbox. No administration work required! The following step-by-step guide will help you design a customised 'Plus' PDF voucher for your venue

Step 1: Set up your voucher artwork

Set up your voucher artwork as a portrait A4 document (width: 210mm and height: 297mm). Keep in mind, your final voucher artwork must be a PDF file and have all fonts embedded.

Step 2: Work out the content

Before you can design your PDF voucher, you’ll need to know what information to include.
Your voucher must include an area for the following purchaser/Obee generated details:
  • the value or package/option name or both (e.g. $50 or Set Menu A or Set Menu A - $50)
  • the recipient’s full name
  • the message the purchaser can choose to write
  • who the voucher is from
  • the reference code (this code is six characters long)
  • the expiry date

Other information we recommend including:

  • Terms and conditions
  • Venue details (address, phone number, email address, website)

Step 3: Allow for different scenarios

The exact details that purchaser's enter online will be shown on the automatically generated PDF voucher (Obee will configure this). When designing your voucher, you'll need to allow space for the variable length of these details. In particular, you will need to provide enough space for:
  • Long names
  • Long package/option names (if applicable)
  • Long messages

Step 4: Submit your voucher artwork and font file

Please send three files to

  1. The PDF of your voucher artwork without purchaser/Obee generated details completed
  2. The PDF of your voucher artwork with dummy purchaser/Obee generated details completed; the dummy message should be the maximum number of characters you would like to allow
  3. The font file for the font you would like used for the purchaser/Obee generated details; this must be a TrueType (.ttf) or OpenType (.otf) font file

Note: Branded PDF voucher templates are available on the Obee Plus plans