How to set up Function Tracker integration
Function Tracker's Obee integration gives you visibility of your Function Tracker events from your Obee account. When you create an event in Function Tracker, the main event details will automatically appear in your Obee account.
The integration is one way, so changes that are made to the event in Obee will not be pushed back to your Function Tracker account. If you need to edit your Function Tracker event or view more comprehensive details, this must be done by logging in to Function Tracker.
Check your eligibility:
The integration is available on Obee's Branded and Plus plans.
Request an Obee API key:
To set up the integration you'll need an API key; please email to request one.
Enable the integration in Function Tracker:
- Log in to your Function Tracker account
- Select Admin from the side menu
- Under Admin, select Third Party Integrations
- Under Third Party Integrations select Obee
- On the Obee page, paste your API key into the text field
- Select Connect To Obee