How to set up Campaign Monitor integration

Obee’s Campaign Monitor integration seamlessly syncs the names and email addresses of your guests between your Obee and Campaign Monitor accounts. Guests who have opted in to receive email marketing, will be synced to your Campaign Monitor list. Best of all, it’s two-way! If a guest unsubscribes from your email newsletters, their Obee profile will automatically be updated to reflect this.

Once enabled, new guest data will automatically be sent to your Campaign Monitor account. Existing guest data can be exported from your Obee account (see: How to export your marketing list) and imported into your Campaign Monitor account.

Find your API Key in Campaign Monitor:

  1. Log in to your Campaign Monitor account
  2. Select your profile image at the top right, then choose Account settings
  3. On the next page, select API keys in the sidebar on the right
  4. Under Administrator API key, select Show API key to reveal the Administrator API key

Find your List ID in Campaign Monitor:

  1. Select Lists & subscribers from the main menu
  2. Select the list you want to sync with Obee (we recommend using a dedicated Obee list)
  3. On the list's page, select change name/type
  4. On the next page, you'll find your unique API Subscriber List ID

Enable Campaign Monitor integration in Obee:

  1. Log in to your Obee account
  2. Select More from the main menu, then select Marketing from the dropdown
  3. Select integrations from the Marketing submenu
  4. Enter the Administrator API Key and List ID from your Campaign Monitor account into the respective fields

  5. Select Enabled from the dropdown menu to the left of the Administrator API Key and List ID fields
  6. Select the Save settings button